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Skin-derived antileukoproteinase %25252528SKALP%25252529 and…
Skin-derived antileukoproteinase %25252528SKALP%25252529 and epidermal fatty acid-binding protein %25252528E-FABP%25252529 %2525253A two novel markers of the psoriatic phenotype that respond differentially to topical steroid
Skin-derived antileukoproteinase %25252528SKALP%25252529 and epidermal fatty acid-binding protein %25252528E-FABP%25252529 %2525253A two novel markers of the psoriatic phenotype that respond differentially to topical steroid
Article, Chapter
Authors: A.L.A. Kuijpers
Publication: Volume:77, Issue:1, Page(s):14-19
Published: 1997
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