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The bone-regenerative properties of Emdogain adsorbed onto p…
The bone-regenerative properties of Emdogain adsorbed onto poly%2525252528D%252525252CL-lactic-coglycolic acid%2525252529%252525252Fcalcium phosphate composites in an ectopic and an orthotopic rat model.
The bone-regenerative properties of Emdogain adsorbed onto poly%2525252528D%252525252CL-lactic-coglycolic acid%2525252529%252525252Fcalcium phosphate composites in an ectopic and an orthotopic rat model.
Article, Chapter
Authors: A.S. Plachokova
Publication: Volume:43, Issue:1, Page(s):55-63
Published: 2008
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