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Publisher%27s note%3A Ab initio potential energy surfaces fo…
Publisher%27s note%3A Ab initio potential energy surfaces for NH%28%283%29Sigma%28-%29%29-NH%28%283%29Sigma%28-%29%29 with analytical long range %28vol 131%2C 224314%2C 2009%29
Publisher%27s note%3A Ab initio potential energy surfaces for NH%28%283%29Sigma%28-%29%29-NH%28%283%29Sigma%28-%29%29 with analytical long range %28vol 131%2C 224314%2C 2009%29
Article, Chapter
Authors: L.M.C. Janssen
Publication: Volume:132, Issue:2, Page(s):029902-029902
Published: 2010
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