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Binding of the AVR4 elicitor of Cladosporium fulvum to chito…
Binding of the AVR4 elicitor of Cladosporium fulvum to chitotriose units is facilitated by positive allosteric protein-protein interactions - The chitin-binding site of AVR4 represents a novel binding site on the folding scaffold shared between the invertebrate and the plant chitin-binding domain
Binding of the AVR4 elicitor of Cladosporium fulvum to chitotriose units is facilitated by positive allosteric protein-protein interactions - The chitin-binding site of AVR4 represents a novel binding site on the folding scaffold shared between the invertebrate and the plant chitin-binding domain
Article, Chapter
Authors: H.A. van den
Publication: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume:279, Issue:16, Page(s):16786-16796
Published: 2004
ISSN: 0021-9258
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