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A critical intervention in the humanist debate on the Anthro…
A critical intervention in the humanist debate on the Anthropocene from a Daoist perspective. On recognizing an imbedded anthropocentrism in humanism by bridging Daoist criticism on Confucian%252525E2%25252580%25252599s concept of humanity following a%2525252C by humanistic canon unrecognized%2525252C Daoist influence on Martin Heidegger%252525E2%25252580%25252599s thought of Being.
A critical intervention in the humanist debate on the Anthropocene from a Daoist perspective. On recognizing an imbedded anthropocentrism in humanism by bridging Daoist criticism on Confucian%252525E2%25252580%25252599s concept of humanity following a%2525252C by humanistic canon unrecognized%2525252C Daoist influence on Martin Heidegger%252525E2%25252580%25252599s thought of Being.
Article, Chapter
Authors: W. Ko
Published: 2018
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